Sunday, December 18, 2011

Humilitas: A Lost Key to Life, Love and Leadership

A brief synopsis of the book

Humilitas is basically Latin for humility and that is what this book is all about, humility.

The author starts of with a thesis of what he believes humility is and why it is important to be humble. He defines humility as “the noble choice to forgo your status, deploy resources or use influence for the good of others before yourself… The humble person is marked by a willingness to hold power in service of others.”

He explains why we should pursue humility.
1.   It is common sense
“What we don’t know and can’t do far exceeds what we do know and can do. A little humility, then, is hardly rocket science. It is common sense.”

2.  It is beautiful
He gives a couple of examples of people we admire because of their humility.

3.  It generates abilities
“Perhaps the most obvious outcome of being humble is that you will learn, grow and thrive in a way that proud have no hope of doing.”

4.  It lifts those around you.
He gives some examples of humble heroes.

5.  It creates harmony.
It doesn’t mean that you compromise on convictions. “Humility applied to convictions doesn’t mean believing things any less, it means treating those who hold contrary beliefs with respect and friendship.”

6.  You simply cannot lead without it.
You can’t persuade people if you can’t connect with them and you are going to find it hard to connect with people without some humility.

He gives a very thorough and interesting explanation as to why the ancient world didn’t like humility and then moves on to explain how Jesus redefined greatness for all man kind.

He closes the book with 7 steps that would help you to become more humble.
1.     Recognize that you are not humble.
2.    Start loving humility because “we are shaped by what we love.”
3.    Reflect on the lives of the humble.
4.    Visualize yourself being humble before you move into the “tempting” situations.
5.    Act humbly. You need to exercise the humility muscle because actions influence thoughts.
6.    Invite criticism. Constantly ask others for input.
7.    Forget about being humble. (Don’t try to appear to be humble.) 

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